HBC Updates
HBC Update - 18 August 2021
Hi Church Whanau,
As you may have heard we are back into lockdown as of 11:59pm tonight for 7 days. This means that all HBC facilities will be unavailable for use from 11:59pm tonight until further notice.
We will keep in touch with updates. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. Simply reply to this email or call 09 836 9900 during office hours (9:30am - 12:30pm Tuesday to Friday).
Hi Church Whanau,
As you may have heard we are back into lockdown as of 11:59pm tonight for 7 days. This means that all HBC facilities will be unavailable for use from 11:59pm tonight until further notice.
We will keep in touch with updates. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. Simply reply to this email or call 09 836 9900 during office hours (9:30am - 12:30pm Tuesday to Friday).
HBC Update – 12 August 2020
Dear HBC Church Whanau, You will be aware that we are in Alert level 3 under Covid 19 protocols.
That being so:
All use of our facilities is suspended until further notice.
This means that our facilities and buildings cannot be used for routine Services, meetings, rental use, community meal, workshop, car boot sale and services.
[Funerals of no more than 10 person in attendance are permitted under Level 3]
We will livestream our Sunday morning service on the church facebook page.
There will be no SUNDAY @ 6 till we are back to Level 1.
Our Journey with Jesus will continue Monday to Friday 8am on Facebook.
Can we please be active in checking up on those in our care cells to ensure that all is well, and let Darcy know if there are needs to be met, or issues that need addressing.
The Office is not physically open, but the phones are active Tuesday to Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm (normal office hours). Of course you can contact one of the Pastors at any time. Just call 8369900 to get hold of us at home during this time.
Dear HBC Church Whanau, You will be aware that we are in Alert level 3 under Covid 19 protocols.
That being so:
All use of our facilities is suspended until further notice.
This means that our facilities and buildings cannot be used for routine Services, meetings, rental use, community meal, workshop, car boot sale and services.
[Funerals of no more than 10 person in attendance are permitted under Level 3]
We will livestream our Sunday morning service on the church facebook page.
There will be no SUNDAY @ 6 till we are back to Level 1.
Our Journey with Jesus will continue Monday to Friday 8am on Facebook.
Can we please be active in checking up on those in our care cells to ensure that all is well, and let Darcy know if there are needs to be met, or issues that need addressing.
The Office is not physically open, but the phones are active Tuesday to Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm (normal office hours). Of course you can contact one of the Pastors at any time. Just call 8369900 to get hold of us at home during this time.
HBC Update – 29 April 2020
Things are ticking along for HBC. Here is our Wednesday update to keep you in touch with what’s going on.
Don’t forget our office hours are Tuesday – Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm. Call the office on 8369900, or email [email protected]
God bless you all this week.
The HBC staff team
Things are ticking along for HBC. Here is our Wednesday update to keep you in touch with what’s going on.
- From this week our Wednesday emails will be bullet point practical updates and our Saturday email will be a more pastoral update from the Pastors.
- Donation receipts are being emailed out this week to those we have email addresses for. If you’d prefer a physical copy, or have any questions, please email Jiril our Treasurer.
- The Church buildings remain closed during level-3, but our carpark is open. Darcy and Rāwiri will be checking the property often and a group of people are taking care of the lawns too – thanks team!
- Journey with Jesus, 8am and 8pm each day (except Sunday morning) will continue through this round of level-3 at least. Check it out www.facebook.com/Hendersonbaptist
- The Ministry Leaders are meeting tomorrow night by zoom. Please pray for them as they discuss important things.
- If you’d like to be on the prayer chain please email the office and we’ll make sure you get on there. Contact Carol or one of the Pastors if you have a prayer request for the prayer chain.
Don’t forget our office hours are Tuesday – Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm. Call the office on 8369900, or email [email protected]
God bless you all this week.
The HBC staff team
HBC Church Update 22 April 2020
Dear HBC Church family,
Over the past weeks we have all had to work out different ways of doing things. It is so good that we are all in this together!
Care and connections
As a Church family we have together worked hard to keep connected, and I think we’re doing a pretty good job of it! In introducing the new Care cell system this week, it has become apparent to Darcy and I just how connected most of us already are, and how well we’re looking out for each other. This is wonderful to see. If you are feeling at all isolated, or as though you’ve been overlooked, please reach out to us. We really do value every person at HBC and want to make sure that we’re looking out for everyone.
Worship services and devotions – live!
Our Sunday morning worship services have provided a steep learning curve for us these past few weeks. Just a couple of months ago it would have been inconceivable that we wouldn’t be able to gather together in the Church complex for worship. This however, is our new reality for now and I think we’re doing a reasonable job of it. Every church has a different approach to worship services, and some are using a lot of pre-recorded material. We have decided that a more engaging and interactive approach is best for HBC. This is the rationale behind our services streaming “live” on our Facebook page. As you can probably imagine though, this creates a number of technical challenges, particularly because Darcy and I are in different locations. We appreciate your feedback, and believe that we’re improving every week. Please bear with us through this though as it is a rather demanding task. Remember too, our Journey with Jesus series, which livestreams at 8am and 8pm daily (except Sunday mornings) is a great way to start and end the day. Why not check it out if you have not had the chance to yet.
Church facilities and “office” hours
Regarding the move to level 3, there is going to be very little change to our current operations as a Church. We are still unable to gather, and our facilities will remain largely unoccupied over this time. Other than some pest control, lawn mowing, and attending to any issues that arise the Church complex will remain shut. If you are keen and able to assist with lawn mowing then we’d be grateful for the support in this area by a number of people so that it’s not being carried just by a few. Please let me know if you can help. Darcy and I will be down at the Church periodically to make sure that these things are covered, but will otherwise keep working from home. Our office hours remain 9:30am – 12:30pm Tuesday to Friday, so if you need to chat to Tere about anything admin related please do so. At any time at all, if you call the church number, you are able to choose to have your call forwarded to either Darcy or my home phones – feel free to give us a call!
Donations and tax receipts
It is encouraging to hear reports of the Church giving over this time, and also that a number of people who have not given online before now doing so. Thank you! We simply could not operate without your offerings and financial support and we are humbled by the generosity of so many. As expected our offerings are down on what we would usually see, and we have no facility income at this time. The Government wage subsidy is helping to cover the shortfall for now and until the end of June.
If you’re awaiting your tax receipt then your wait is nearly over. We are finalising the collated information right now and Jiril plans to send these out before the end of the month.
Peter, the son of Walter and Hazel Witheford, and brother to Colleen Buckby, passed away in the USA this week. Please pray for the family at this time.
Chili, Teresa Wong’s sister, also passed away in Malaysia. Please pray for Teresa and her family too.
Pray for the ministry leaders. Pray for the Elders and Pastors. Pray for the young, the old, and those in between. Pray for the unwell and the disabled. Pray for those who will return to work next Tuesday, and those essential workers who have had to work throughout. Pray for your friends and family. Pray for your own circumstances and lives. Let’s also give prayers of thanks and praise to God as he equips and enables us to get through this time. May we thrive in faith and purpose and remember our good God who strengthens us even now.
The Elders are meeting by “zoom” tomorrow and will be praying about, and discussing, these and other important matters.
God bless you all. Ngā manaakitanga,
Rāwiri and Darcy
Dear HBC Church family,
Over the past weeks we have all had to work out different ways of doing things. It is so good that we are all in this together!
Care and connections
As a Church family we have together worked hard to keep connected, and I think we’re doing a pretty good job of it! In introducing the new Care cell system this week, it has become apparent to Darcy and I just how connected most of us already are, and how well we’re looking out for each other. This is wonderful to see. If you are feeling at all isolated, or as though you’ve been overlooked, please reach out to us. We really do value every person at HBC and want to make sure that we’re looking out for everyone.
Worship services and devotions – live!
Our Sunday morning worship services have provided a steep learning curve for us these past few weeks. Just a couple of months ago it would have been inconceivable that we wouldn’t be able to gather together in the Church complex for worship. This however, is our new reality for now and I think we’re doing a reasonable job of it. Every church has a different approach to worship services, and some are using a lot of pre-recorded material. We have decided that a more engaging and interactive approach is best for HBC. This is the rationale behind our services streaming “live” on our Facebook page. As you can probably imagine though, this creates a number of technical challenges, particularly because Darcy and I are in different locations. We appreciate your feedback, and believe that we’re improving every week. Please bear with us through this though as it is a rather demanding task. Remember too, our Journey with Jesus series, which livestreams at 8am and 8pm daily (except Sunday mornings) is a great way to start and end the day. Why not check it out if you have not had the chance to yet.
Church facilities and “office” hours
Regarding the move to level 3, there is going to be very little change to our current operations as a Church. We are still unable to gather, and our facilities will remain largely unoccupied over this time. Other than some pest control, lawn mowing, and attending to any issues that arise the Church complex will remain shut. If you are keen and able to assist with lawn mowing then we’d be grateful for the support in this area by a number of people so that it’s not being carried just by a few. Please let me know if you can help. Darcy and I will be down at the Church periodically to make sure that these things are covered, but will otherwise keep working from home. Our office hours remain 9:30am – 12:30pm Tuesday to Friday, so if you need to chat to Tere about anything admin related please do so. At any time at all, if you call the church number, you are able to choose to have your call forwarded to either Darcy or my home phones – feel free to give us a call!
Donations and tax receipts
It is encouraging to hear reports of the Church giving over this time, and also that a number of people who have not given online before now doing so. Thank you! We simply could not operate without your offerings and financial support and we are humbled by the generosity of so many. As expected our offerings are down on what we would usually see, and we have no facility income at this time. The Government wage subsidy is helping to cover the shortfall for now and until the end of June.
If you’re awaiting your tax receipt then your wait is nearly over. We are finalising the collated information right now and Jiril plans to send these out before the end of the month.
Peter, the son of Walter and Hazel Witheford, and brother to Colleen Buckby, passed away in the USA this week. Please pray for the family at this time.
Chili, Teresa Wong’s sister, also passed away in Malaysia. Please pray for Teresa and her family too.
Pray for the ministry leaders. Pray for the Elders and Pastors. Pray for the young, the old, and those in between. Pray for the unwell and the disabled. Pray for those who will return to work next Tuesday, and those essential workers who have had to work throughout. Pray for your friends and family. Pray for your own circumstances and lives. Let’s also give prayers of thanks and praise to God as he equips and enables us to get through this time. May we thrive in faith and purpose and remember our good God who strengthens us even now.
The Elders are meeting by “zoom” tomorrow and will be praying about, and discussing, these and other important matters.
God bless you all. Ngā manaakitanga,
Rāwiri and Darcy
HBC Church Update 18 April 2020
Dear HBC church family,
We trust that you are keeping well and watching out for each another at this time. The Lord is not far from any one of us, so make sure you’re frequently reaching out to him too - even as he reaches out to you!
HBC and Covid-19 update:
It is interesting to ponder what this coming week will look like as we await the Government’s decision on Alert levels. Darcy and I have been talking about what each level will mean for us as a Church, and there is a clear sense that we will need to be flexible and agile over the coming months. At level 3 we will continue to work from home, and have the church office remain open remotely. Our carpark will reopen for weekly renters, some of whom will return to work, but our buildings will remain out of action other than Darcy and I popping down several times a week to check on things and to get the home fires burning again (so to speak).
It's church, but not as we know it
Whenever it is that we get to level 3, or level 2, it is clear that we are in this for the long haul. Gatherings of any kind, will be extremely limited for some time to come – at least several weeks, and perhaps months. Our plan for the coming weeks is that we will continue the Journey with Jesus livestreams, 8am and 8pm daily, except Sunday mornings where our family worship services will livestream at 10am.
Again, we will need to be flexible and agile, and we are committed to making the best decisions we can going forward. We will do this with good advice from the Baptist Union, and in consultation with the Elders, Ministry leaders and with the consideration of the cares and concerns of you all - our church family. Together we can get through this time as a Church! Darcy and I are committed to playing our part and we are grateful for all of you who are playing yours. I really believe that it is possible for us all to come out of this time stronger in our faith and witness than we went into it – Lord may it be so.
HBC Care cell initiative:
Rawiri and I have been working on a system of Care Cells that enables contact with, and care for, people who are part of the family at HBC. It is based on a network of existing relationships, cells, that we have identified and we are wanting to use to achieve our objective above. This initiative comes with the support of the Elders, who endorse the objectives and the means to achieve them, and together with Rawiri and I are grateful to those who have agreed to be leaders of Care Cells.
We are asking people who are leaders of groups within the Church, or who are exercising some leadership in keeping contact with others, to do so on a regular and structured basis. We are asking those people to contact and check with a list of people that they are identified as having a relationship with, and praying for them when they do, as well as providing feedback to the Pastors of a general nature. Specifics will only be shared with the individual’s permission. We hope that as the Care Cells network is implemented, that you each and all will receive at least one call a fortnight to check up and encourage you as part of the family here at HBC.
You are very welcome, at any time, or for any reason, to contact either Rawiri or me. We will be pleased to discuss with you anything that you wish to address. Thanks for being part of the family here at HBC, we’re glad you are, and hope this initiative provides some further measure of assurance that we care for you and wish the very best for you and yours.
Grace and Peace,
Darcy & Rawiri
Pastors together, Henderson Baptist Church
Dear HBC church family,
We trust that you are keeping well and watching out for each another at this time. The Lord is not far from any one of us, so make sure you’re frequently reaching out to him too - even as he reaches out to you!
HBC and Covid-19 update:
It is interesting to ponder what this coming week will look like as we await the Government’s decision on Alert levels. Darcy and I have been talking about what each level will mean for us as a Church, and there is a clear sense that we will need to be flexible and agile over the coming months. At level 3 we will continue to work from home, and have the church office remain open remotely. Our carpark will reopen for weekly renters, some of whom will return to work, but our buildings will remain out of action other than Darcy and I popping down several times a week to check on things and to get the home fires burning again (so to speak).
It's church, but not as we know it
Whenever it is that we get to level 3, or level 2, it is clear that we are in this for the long haul. Gatherings of any kind, will be extremely limited for some time to come – at least several weeks, and perhaps months. Our plan for the coming weeks is that we will continue the Journey with Jesus livestreams, 8am and 8pm daily, except Sunday mornings where our family worship services will livestream at 10am.
Again, we will need to be flexible and agile, and we are committed to making the best decisions we can going forward. We will do this with good advice from the Baptist Union, and in consultation with the Elders, Ministry leaders and with the consideration of the cares and concerns of you all - our church family. Together we can get through this time as a Church! Darcy and I are committed to playing our part and we are grateful for all of you who are playing yours. I really believe that it is possible for us all to come out of this time stronger in our faith and witness than we went into it – Lord may it be so.
HBC Care cell initiative:
Rawiri and I have been working on a system of Care Cells that enables contact with, and care for, people who are part of the family at HBC. It is based on a network of existing relationships, cells, that we have identified and we are wanting to use to achieve our objective above. This initiative comes with the support of the Elders, who endorse the objectives and the means to achieve them, and together with Rawiri and I are grateful to those who have agreed to be leaders of Care Cells.
We are asking people who are leaders of groups within the Church, or who are exercising some leadership in keeping contact with others, to do so on a regular and structured basis. We are asking those people to contact and check with a list of people that they are identified as having a relationship with, and praying for them when they do, as well as providing feedback to the Pastors of a general nature. Specifics will only be shared with the individual’s permission. We hope that as the Care Cells network is implemented, that you each and all will receive at least one call a fortnight to check up and encourage you as part of the family here at HBC.
You are very welcome, at any time, or for any reason, to contact either Rawiri or me. We will be pleased to discuss with you anything that you wish to address. Thanks for being part of the family here at HBC, we’re glad you are, and hope this initiative provides some further measure of assurance that we care for you and wish the very best for you and yours.
Grace and Peace,
Darcy & Rawiri
Pastors together, Henderson Baptist Church
HBC Church Update 15 April 2020
Hi HBC Church family,
It’s Wednesday and so it’s time for a quick update!
Let’s remember that God is our refuge and our strength. It is true! Let’s lean on him as we navigate this unique time.
Grace and Peace,
Rāwiri and Darcy
Hi HBC Church family,
It’s Wednesday and so it’s time for a quick update!
- We (Darcy and Rāwiri) have managed to speak with almost all of you personally over the past few weeks. We have both really enjoyed touching base with you all. If we missed you then we are sorry and would love to hear from you if you want to give us a call!
- Going forward we are setting up a network of “Care cells”. This is a new Church care system whereby each person/couple/family will be contacted at least once a fortnight by members of the congregation. This is designed to ensure that we are all receiving the care and support that we need over the next few months. We’re excited by the enthusiasm for this and the engagement it will provide.
- Our transition to meeting together is still very unclear. We may know more in the next week or so as the Government makes important announcements. What is reasonably clear is that we will need to be flexible and make appropriate changes. It seems unlikely that we will be allowed to meet in larger groupings for some time yet. Please be assured that we will take good advice and will also listen to the thoughts and concerns of congregation members in making these decisions.
- Our 2019 Financial Audit has come back to us and is encouraging. Our processes for financial management are good, even if we are struggling a little with cashflow at this time.
- Our Sunday@6 service is not able to be held in the same way as usual, and really can’t be replicated at this time. We have decided to stop it for the meantime, and instead to do an 8pm “Journey with Jesus” livestream on Sunday nights like we’ve been doing at 8am and 8pm each other day. The only deviation from the 8am/8pm pattern going forward will be on Sunday mornings where our Family Worship service will remain at 10am.
Let’s remember that God is our refuge and our strength. It is true! Let’s lean on him as we navigate this unique time.
Grace and Peace,
Rāwiri and Darcy
HBC Church Update 11 April 2020
Hi Church family,
Bi-weekly Update:
As part of our trying to keep connected and informed we have been sending out an update on Wednesday and Saturday. This is one of those.
Wednesday’s update contained quite a bit of information surrounding the financial implications of the pandemic and actions taken surrounding that. If you haven’t seen it yet, please check it out.
Services and Journey with Jesus posts:
Our Sunday services are being shared live on Facebook at 10am and 6pm.
Journey with Jesus is being shared live on Facebook each other day of the week at 8am and 8pm.
Feedback about the service last week has been positive and Rawiri, Mel and Darcy have been encouraged by the response to the Journey with Jesus posts.
This last week has provided an opportunity to look at the events surrounding Jesus’ last days of life and ministry following his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Yesterday the events surrounding the cross were examined and tomorrow, at 10am we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. As part of that service we will be sharing communion… so please prepare ahead of time and have something to drink, and eat, any fluid and food will do. It will seem a bit odd, but it’s something that, while apart, we can do at the same time and therefore reinforce our sense of community and being together as best we are able.
Church Care:
As Darcy and Rawiri have phoned around the people on the Church Fellowship list, they have been encouraged to hear of the checking up and care that is being carried out throughout the Church family. Please keep it up and, if someone comes to mind and you are able to, please make an effort to check up on the person as well as pray for them.
Rawiri and Darcy are available, as is Mel, if you wish to speak with them. At the moment their contacts with others is confined to calls or internet. If you wish to speak to either of them, please give them a call or drop them a note.
The Church Office:
The Church Office is operating as normal via remote. Tere will receive and respond to messages or calls as is appropriate. Callers wanting to speak with Darcy or Rawiri will have their calls automatically diverted to their home phone numbers.
Looking ahead:
As far as possible, within the constraints of the present circumstances, the Pastor’s are trying to ensure that their thinking and planning is as agile as it can be to deal with whatever it is that comes next as our community engages with Covid 19.
Please be praying for your family and friends, for our Church, for Rawiri, Darcy and Mel as they provide leadership, support and encouragement. Pray for the Government, Medical and support staff working with those who have contracted the virus, pray for good outcomes for all. Pray for those essential workers and the families of all who are on the front line – keeping the country ticking over while the rest of us are under lockdown. Pray also for those who are finding the lockdown detrimental to their health, and wellbeing – and pray that the help they need is both available and able to be accessed.
“May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory forever and ever! Amen.” (Hebrews 13: 20)
Rawiri and Darcy
Pastors Together
Hi Church family,
Bi-weekly Update:
As part of our trying to keep connected and informed we have been sending out an update on Wednesday and Saturday. This is one of those.
Wednesday’s update contained quite a bit of information surrounding the financial implications of the pandemic and actions taken surrounding that. If you haven’t seen it yet, please check it out.
Services and Journey with Jesus posts:
Our Sunday services are being shared live on Facebook at 10am and 6pm.
Journey with Jesus is being shared live on Facebook each other day of the week at 8am and 8pm.
Feedback about the service last week has been positive and Rawiri, Mel and Darcy have been encouraged by the response to the Journey with Jesus posts.
This last week has provided an opportunity to look at the events surrounding Jesus’ last days of life and ministry following his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Yesterday the events surrounding the cross were examined and tomorrow, at 10am we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. As part of that service we will be sharing communion… so please prepare ahead of time and have something to drink, and eat, any fluid and food will do. It will seem a bit odd, but it’s something that, while apart, we can do at the same time and therefore reinforce our sense of community and being together as best we are able.
Church Care:
As Darcy and Rawiri have phoned around the people on the Church Fellowship list, they have been encouraged to hear of the checking up and care that is being carried out throughout the Church family. Please keep it up and, if someone comes to mind and you are able to, please make an effort to check up on the person as well as pray for them.
Rawiri and Darcy are available, as is Mel, if you wish to speak with them. At the moment their contacts with others is confined to calls or internet. If you wish to speak to either of them, please give them a call or drop them a note.
The Church Office:
The Church Office is operating as normal via remote. Tere will receive and respond to messages or calls as is appropriate. Callers wanting to speak with Darcy or Rawiri will have their calls automatically diverted to their home phone numbers.
Looking ahead:
As far as possible, within the constraints of the present circumstances, the Pastor’s are trying to ensure that their thinking and planning is as agile as it can be to deal with whatever it is that comes next as our community engages with Covid 19.
Please be praying for your family and friends, for our Church, for Rawiri, Darcy and Mel as they provide leadership, support and encouragement. Pray for the Government, Medical and support staff working with those who have contracted the virus, pray for good outcomes for all. Pray for those essential workers and the families of all who are on the front line – keeping the country ticking over while the rest of us are under lockdown. Pray also for those who are finding the lockdown detrimental to their health, and wellbeing – and pray that the help they need is both available and able to be accessed.
“May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory forever and ever! Amen.” (Hebrews 13: 20)
Rawiri and Darcy
Pastors Together
HBC Church Update 8 April 2020
Dear HBC church family,
It was wonderful to see so many of you pop into the Sunday morning service and participate in the way that you’re able to. I loved the live worship from bubbles of people in our music team – so good. It has also been great to see people connecting with our “Journey with Jesus” livestream at 8am and 8pm other days (Mon-Sat). If you still haven’t had a chance to check it out, why not give it a try this week.
Below are a few bullet points to keep you up with things of the Church at this time. Bless you all as we continue through the lockdown period.
Our worship services:
Church family matters:
Thank you all for your faithfulness to our community of faith. Be blessed as you take time to pray and reflect over this lockdown time. May God be your strength and your comfort.
In Christ,
Darcy & Rāwiri
Dear HBC church family,
It was wonderful to see so many of you pop into the Sunday morning service and participate in the way that you’re able to. I loved the live worship from bubbles of people in our music team – so good. It has also been great to see people connecting with our “Journey with Jesus” livestream at 8am and 8pm other days (Mon-Sat). If you still haven’t had a chance to check it out, why not give it a try this week.
Below are a few bullet points to keep you up with things of the Church at this time. Bless you all as we continue through the lockdown period.
Our worship services:
- This weekend is Easter, the center of the Christian calendar, please take time this week to reflect on, and prepare for this important time.
- On Good Friday we will have an amended “Journey with Jesus” to reflect on the events of Christ’s passion - 8am and 8pm.
- On Easter Sunday we will have our 10am Worship service, celebrating Christ’s resurrection, and a more reflective time at our Sunday@6 service.
- We will be taking communion together this Sunday morning as part of our service. Please make sure you have something to drink and eat for when that happens – thanks.
- We would love to be able to share some things from the congregation each Sunday. If you have a thought or a prayer, please email it to Darcy or Rāwiri (or simply reply to this message) and we will see if we can include it in the service.
- All services and devotions are livestreamed at www.facebook.com/Hendersonbaptist and available afterwards on our facebook page and our website www.hbc.org.nz/videos
Church family matters:
- Darcy and Rāwiri have been working through calling everyone and we don’t want you to miss out. Please get hold of us if you haven’t heard from one of us yet, or if you just want a chat.
- We are preparing smaller “care cells” where we will be encouraging folk to be in pastoral contact with others – it’s really important that we keep connected with each other.
- The Auditor has completed the Audit of our accounts and you can request a copy from Jiril our Treasurer by emailing [email protected]
- We were successful with our application for the Government wage subsidy and received just over $26,000 to help with staff retention for the next few months. Praise the Lord.
- We continue with very tight constraints on our spending through this time.
- Our AGM is postponed until it is safe and reasonably practical to undertake it.
- Our young people will be connecting with some Easter camp sessions and with each other online over Easter. Thanks Mel for caring for them so well!
Thank you all for your faithfulness to our community of faith. Be blessed as you take time to pray and reflect over this lockdown time. May God be your strength and your comfort.
In Christ,
Darcy & Rāwiri
HBC Church update - 4 April 2020
Hi HBC Church family,
We’re well into the second week of lockdown now, and everyone is adjusting to the “new norm” in different ways. For us in the virtual church office it has been a steep learning curve as we work on church life and connections in new ways. For all of us there are challenges over this time, but we want to acknowledge that for some the challenges are greater. We pray that, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we can all share the load together. We are not alone – we have each other, and we have the Lord who walks beside us.
Below are a few quick reminders for you to note, followed by a message from Chris Mills on behalf of the Elders.
Grace and Peace, Rāwiri & Darcy.
Dear HBC Church family,
Today I am writing to you as the Chair of the Elders. We, like you, are aware of the major impact that the COVID-19 crisis is having on everyone. It is affecting all areas of our lives: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and financial. This is true too for the Church and we want to assure you that as Elders we are working closely with the Pastors, and the Treasurer, to make the best decisions possible. I am writing to let you know of two financial decisions that have been made. In doing this I am not minimising the many other important areas of church life, but simply wish to keep you informed of these financial matters at this time.
With a projected reduction in church income for the next month, and potentially much longer, we have made the following decisions:
1. We have applied to the Ministry of Social Development for the Government Covid-19 wage subsidy. We believe that we are eligible to receive this, and know of other Baptist churches that have. If we do receive it then it is unlikely that we will be required to repay it unless our income is much higher than expected, in which case we would be in a good position to do that. This subsidy, if received, will secure our Church staffing for the next 12 weeks as we see how the whole Covid-19 crisis unfolds.
2. We have accepted an offer from both Darcy and Rāwiri to make a salary sacrifice down from 90% to 80% of the Baptist Union recommend pay. They will both retain their 90% roles (and their superannuation payments will remain at 90%), but will each have their stipend and other allowances reduced. This is reviewable in June when we will have a better picture of things. As Elders we are grateful to both Rāwiri and Darcy for the leadership they are showing at this time, both in this regard and in other ways.
With the two measures above we can buy ourselves some time and put the Church in a stronger position for any decisions that may need to be made in the future. If you would like clarification on any of the details of these steps please contact any of the Elders (including the Pastors) or Jiril as Treasurer.
We are confident that God is at work among us even in these difficult times. May God guide us through, and may we listen to his voice.
God be with us.
Chris Mills
Chair, HBC Elders
Hi HBC Church family,
We’re well into the second week of lockdown now, and everyone is adjusting to the “new norm” in different ways. For us in the virtual church office it has been a steep learning curve as we work on church life and connections in new ways. For all of us there are challenges over this time, but we want to acknowledge that for some the challenges are greater. We pray that, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we can all share the load together. We are not alone – we have each other, and we have the Lord who walks beside us.
Below are a few quick reminders for you to note, followed by a message from Chris Mills on behalf of the Elders.
Grace and Peace, Rāwiri & Darcy.
- Our Sunday family worship services (10am and 6pm) will be streamed live on our facebook page.
- We continue the “Journey with Jesus” devotions, 8am and 8pm everyday except Sunday through the lockdown time. This is also streamed live on our facebook page.
- If you’re not comfortable with facebook you can access content from our website after the event.
- Darcy & Rāwiri are calling around the whole church. If you haven’t heard from one of them then we might not have your correct contact details. Please give us a call anytime.
- The office hours remain Tues-Fri 9:30am – 12:30pm throughout the lockdown. Tere will take your calls during this time, but outside those times you can be redirected through to Darcy or Rāwiri anytime through the office phone number 8369900.
- Jiril will be working with us in the office to get Tax receipts emailed out by mid April.
- Take care of yourselves, and one another, as we continue to look to the Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance at this time.
Dear HBC Church family,
Today I am writing to you as the Chair of the Elders. We, like you, are aware of the major impact that the COVID-19 crisis is having on everyone. It is affecting all areas of our lives: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and financial. This is true too for the Church and we want to assure you that as Elders we are working closely with the Pastors, and the Treasurer, to make the best decisions possible. I am writing to let you know of two financial decisions that have been made. In doing this I am not minimising the many other important areas of church life, but simply wish to keep you informed of these financial matters at this time.
With a projected reduction in church income for the next month, and potentially much longer, we have made the following decisions:
1. We have applied to the Ministry of Social Development for the Government Covid-19 wage subsidy. We believe that we are eligible to receive this, and know of other Baptist churches that have. If we do receive it then it is unlikely that we will be required to repay it unless our income is much higher than expected, in which case we would be in a good position to do that. This subsidy, if received, will secure our Church staffing for the next 12 weeks as we see how the whole Covid-19 crisis unfolds.
2. We have accepted an offer from both Darcy and Rāwiri to make a salary sacrifice down from 90% to 80% of the Baptist Union recommend pay. They will both retain their 90% roles (and their superannuation payments will remain at 90%), but will each have their stipend and other allowances reduced. This is reviewable in June when we will have a better picture of things. As Elders we are grateful to both Rāwiri and Darcy for the leadership they are showing at this time, both in this regard and in other ways.
With the two measures above we can buy ourselves some time and put the Church in a stronger position for any decisions that may need to be made in the future. If you would like clarification on any of the details of these steps please contact any of the Elders (including the Pastors) or Jiril as Treasurer.
We are confident that God is at work among us even in these difficult times. May God guide us through, and may we listen to his voice.
God be with us.
Chris Mills
Chair, HBC Elders
HBC update - 1 April 2020
Hi HBC Church family,
We trust that you are all keeping well and finding time to connect with others as you’re able (phone/internet/bubble buddies). We have been trying to connect with everyone just to check that all is well. If you need a pastoral call, or are stuck with something, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Below are a few points for your information.
Services and devotions:
Our Church services will be livestreaming on our facebook page at 10am and 6pm each Sunday.
Journey with Jesus, our 10-15 minute devotions at 8am and 8pm Monday – Saturday, are also live on our facebook page.
Our facebook page is found at:
- “like” it and you’ll get content straight to you.
For those not on Facebook, you can access a video soon after the event from our website: www.hbc.org.nz/videos
Kidzone is being run through a zoom platform on Sunday morning. Email Tracy for an invite to that if you have kids wanting to join: [email protected]
Church family news
Jim and Josephine celebrate the arrival of a great grandson yesterday.
Susie asks for prayer for care workers, and particularly safety and proper protective gear.
The youth are sad to have Eastercamp and the Fiji mission trip cancelled. Please pray for them through this disappointment.
If you have a prayer request please send these through to us and we’ll get them on the prayer chain and through our updates/services.
Our church website has been updated and we’re trying to keep it up to date. Check it out: www.hbc.org.nz
The tax year has just ended, so please give us a bit of time to work out the tax receipts. We hope to email them to you all by mid-April.
Fiji trip and Eastercamp refunds are on their way to those who were registered.
The Elders have authorized us to apply for the wage subsidy scheme and we are awaiting an outcome from that.
If you’d like to set up an Automatic Payment, or give online, here is the Church bank account: ANZ 06-0185-0025473-00
Care for one another and be patient with each other through this time. Pray for one another, and for those around you. Let’s be Jesus with skin!
See the Joy Cowley poem “Prayer” – its worth a read. Download from the mailchimp email or the resources page on our website
If you aren't getting the emails please check your spam filter for them. If they aren't there, then please email [email protected]
Ngā manaakitanga. Grace and Peace,
Darcy and Rāwiri
Hi HBC Church family,
We trust that you are all keeping well and finding time to connect with others as you’re able (phone/internet/bubble buddies). We have been trying to connect with everyone just to check that all is well. If you need a pastoral call, or are stuck with something, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Below are a few points for your information.
Services and devotions:
Our Church services will be livestreaming on our facebook page at 10am and 6pm each Sunday.
Journey with Jesus, our 10-15 minute devotions at 8am and 8pm Monday – Saturday, are also live on our facebook page.
Our facebook page is found at:
- “like” it and you’ll get content straight to you.
For those not on Facebook, you can access a video soon after the event from our website: www.hbc.org.nz/videos
Kidzone is being run through a zoom platform on Sunday morning. Email Tracy for an invite to that if you have kids wanting to join: [email protected]
Church family news
Jim and Josephine celebrate the arrival of a great grandson yesterday.
Susie asks for prayer for care workers, and particularly safety and proper protective gear.
The youth are sad to have Eastercamp and the Fiji mission trip cancelled. Please pray for them through this disappointment.
If you have a prayer request please send these through to us and we’ll get them on the prayer chain and through our updates/services.
Our church website has been updated and we’re trying to keep it up to date. Check it out: www.hbc.org.nz
The tax year has just ended, so please give us a bit of time to work out the tax receipts. We hope to email them to you all by mid-April.
Fiji trip and Eastercamp refunds are on their way to those who were registered.
The Elders have authorized us to apply for the wage subsidy scheme and we are awaiting an outcome from that.
If you’d like to set up an Automatic Payment, or give online, here is the Church bank account: ANZ 06-0185-0025473-00
Care for one another and be patient with each other through this time. Pray for one another, and for those around you. Let’s be Jesus with skin!
See the Joy Cowley poem “Prayer” – its worth a read. Download from the mailchimp email or the resources page on our website
If you aren't getting the emails please check your spam filter for them. If they aren't there, then please email [email protected]
Ngā manaakitanga. Grace and Peace,
Darcy and Rāwiri
Update HBC & COVID-19 Friday 27 March
We’re into day 2 of lock-down and it’s a whole new world right now. We just want to quickly update you on a few things:
God bless and see you at (virtual) Church this Sunday!
Rāwiri & Darcy
We’re into day 2 of lock-down and it’s a whole new world right now. We just want to quickly update you on a few things:
- The Church facilities are completely closed, please do not go there for any reason.
- We care! Please get hold of the office, or one of the Pastors, if you need something and we’ll do what we can. You can get us on 8369900 or by email.
- We are livestreaming our 10am & 6pm Family Worship services on facebook. Please join us. If you need help to connect reply email and we’ll get someone to help.
Here’s the link: http://facebook.com/Hendersonbaptist
Henderson Baptist Church - Home | Facebook
Henderson Baptist Church, Auckland, New Zealand. 175 likes. Henderson Baptist Church seeks, "to be, and to help others become, passionate, committed, live-long followers of Jesus".
facebook.com - Journey with Jesus is our 8am and 8pm time of prayer and reflection. Monday to Saturday. Start and end the day in a good way.
- We understand that everyone is under financial pressure at this time, and this is true too for the Church. If you’re a regular giver please set up an AP or regular online payment to our ANZ account: 06-0185-0025473-00
- Take care, and make sure you connect with others over this time.
God bless and see you at (virtual) Church this Sunday!
Rāwiri & Darcy
HBC COVID-19 update, 25 March 2020
Dear HBC family,
Darcy and Rawiri here. As we all go into lock-down today we thought that it would be good to give an update on the latest for the church. We put a video up on Facebook yesterday which has most of this content, but we want to share this information as widely as possible so no-one misses out.
The Elders met last night and had a good time of prayer for us all, our community and our world. We want to support everyone as much as possible so please be in contact if you need anything and we will do what we can. The Church complex is closed until further notice, except for a few "essential service" personnel who may use the car park. The Church Facebook page will be the main hub of online content and information, so please make sure you head in to "like" our Facebook page so you don't miss anything. You can find our page here:
If you need help we can get someone to couch you over the phone, so please give us a call.
Updates and information will also be on our website: www.hbc.org.nz. Our office hours will remain 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Tuesday to Friday and Tere will take your call. During this time, or at any other time, you can call the Church number and be forwarded to either of us too. The Church number is still 836-9900. Feel free to call.
Our Sunday Worship services, both 10am and 6pm, will be hosted via livestream on Facebook. Each 10 am service will include a family sharing time with prayers, reflections and bible readings. This will be followed by a sermon. Powerpoint slides, and a link to some of our HBC favourite worship songs will be posted before 10am so that you can have a sing along at home. We will have people actively monitoring the comments of the live-streams and we want to encourage you to engage with the service as much as possible since we can't see each other eye-to-eye. If you're not sure how this will works please let us know - there are people who can help you over the phone.
We started a new initiative this morning called "HBC Journey with Jesus". Each day (except Sunday) we will be hosting an 8am and 8pm short thought and prayer (about 10 minutes) on Facebook live. A great way to start and end the day during this time. Please join us when you can!
Regarding pastoral matters, we will be very active in following up on people and keep contact by phone and internet. Mel will be caring for the youth, and we will be contacting and encouraging small group leaders and the pastoral care team to keep contact with their networks. Please, if you need anything, or somehow we don't get into contact, please let us know. We really want to be able to respond to and support everyone. Let's care for one another through this time... and let's not forget our neighbours and friends as well.
Stay at home, keep yourselves safe, and let's be kind and caring. As Jesus tells us in John 13:35, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Grace and Peace,
Rawiri and Darcy
Pastors together
Dear HBC family,
Darcy and Rawiri here. As we all go into lock-down today we thought that it would be good to give an update on the latest for the church. We put a video up on Facebook yesterday which has most of this content, but we want to share this information as widely as possible so no-one misses out.
The Elders met last night and had a good time of prayer for us all, our community and our world. We want to support everyone as much as possible so please be in contact if you need anything and we will do what we can. The Church complex is closed until further notice, except for a few "essential service" personnel who may use the car park. The Church Facebook page will be the main hub of online content and information, so please make sure you head in to "like" our Facebook page so you don't miss anything. You can find our page here:
If you need help we can get someone to couch you over the phone, so please give us a call.
Updates and information will also be on our website: www.hbc.org.nz. Our office hours will remain 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Tuesday to Friday and Tere will take your call. During this time, or at any other time, you can call the Church number and be forwarded to either of us too. The Church number is still 836-9900. Feel free to call.
Our Sunday Worship services, both 10am and 6pm, will be hosted via livestream on Facebook. Each 10 am service will include a family sharing time with prayers, reflections and bible readings. This will be followed by a sermon. Powerpoint slides, and a link to some of our HBC favourite worship songs will be posted before 10am so that you can have a sing along at home. We will have people actively monitoring the comments of the live-streams and we want to encourage you to engage with the service as much as possible since we can't see each other eye-to-eye. If you're not sure how this will works please let us know - there are people who can help you over the phone.
We started a new initiative this morning called "HBC Journey with Jesus". Each day (except Sunday) we will be hosting an 8am and 8pm short thought and prayer (about 10 minutes) on Facebook live. A great way to start and end the day during this time. Please join us when you can!
Regarding pastoral matters, we will be very active in following up on people and keep contact by phone and internet. Mel will be caring for the youth, and we will be contacting and encouraging small group leaders and the pastoral care team to keep contact with their networks. Please, if you need anything, or somehow we don't get into contact, please let us know. We really want to be able to respond to and support everyone. Let's care for one another through this time... and let's not forget our neighbours and friends as well.
Stay at home, keep yourselves safe, and let's be kind and caring. As Jesus tells us in John 13:35, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Grace and Peace,
Rawiri and Darcy
Pastors together
HBC & COVID-19 Update 3 - 21 March
Hi Church family,
In light of the latest advise from the Government, we would like to encourage all those over 70 years old to stay home tomorrow and not come out to Church. It is important that we help to keep each other safe.
If you use facebook, why not join our 10am livestream of the service:
We will be posting regular updates on facebook and on our website. Our website also has helpful information and resources.
God bless you all, and let's lean on his loving care!
Grace and peace,
Rāwiri and Darcy
Hi Church family,
In light of the latest advise from the Government, we would like to encourage all those over 70 years old to stay home tomorrow and not come out to Church. It is important that we help to keep each other safe.
If you use facebook, why not join our 10am livestream of the service:
We will be posting regular updates on facebook and on our website. Our website also has helpful information and resources.
God bless you all, and let's lean on his loving care!
Grace and peace,
Rāwiri and Darcy
HBC & COVID-19 Update - 20 March 2020
Dear Henderson Baptist Church family,
Last night the Elders met and we prayerfully considered all that is happening. We are wanting to make the most responsible decisions possible while also acting in love and not fear. We all need to keep ourselves and others safe at this time. If you are unwell, self-isolating, or just need some support, please let us know how we can help.
One of the major things that could really affect us is the Government directive to stop all indoor gatherings of 100 people or more. However, as our Sunday morning attendance is under 100, we have decided that we will go ahead with both our Sunday morning service, and our Sunday@6 service. We expect that some people will decide to stay at home, a decision that we totally understand and support, and so we are confident that we will not reach the 100 threshhold. That being said, we will keep a close eye on numbers to ensure that we do not break the rules.
A few pointers about Sunday services:
This is a critical time, and so we will make any changes that we need to as we review it day-by-day.
With regard to our other activities here is some information for you:
This is a challenging time for us all, and we want to encourage you to keep safe and take care of one another. It is times like this that we get to test our faith and make sure that we are truly leaning on God for all that we need. The Apostle John reminds us in 1 John 4:18a, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear”, and the prophet Isaiah records God declaring to his people in Isaiah 41:10 “Do not be afraid—I am with you! I am your God—let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.”
Grace and Peace,
Rāwiri & Darcy
Dear Henderson Baptist Church family,
Last night the Elders met and we prayerfully considered all that is happening. We are wanting to make the most responsible decisions possible while also acting in love and not fear. We all need to keep ourselves and others safe at this time. If you are unwell, self-isolating, or just need some support, please let us know how we can help.
One of the major things that could really affect us is the Government directive to stop all indoor gatherings of 100 people or more. However, as our Sunday morning attendance is under 100, we have decided that we will go ahead with both our Sunday morning service, and our Sunday@6 service. We expect that some people will decide to stay at home, a decision that we totally understand and support, and so we are confident that we will not reach the 100 threshhold. That being said, we will keep a close eye on numbers to ensure that we do not break the rules.
A few pointers about Sunday services:
- Our 10am service will be live-streamed on our facebook page from 10am, so if you can’t make it in person please join us remotely: https://www.facebook.com/Hendersonbaptist/
Henderson Baptist Church - Home | Facebook
Henderson Baptist Church, Auckland, New Zealand. 175 likes. Henderson Baptist Church seeks, "to be, and to help others become, passionate, committed, live-long followers of Jesus".
www.facebook.com - Seating in our Auditorium will be arranged to encourage greater space and separation.
- There will be NO morning tea served on Sunday morning.
- We encourage those attending not to mingle in close groupings and to disperse quite quickly after the service.
This is a critical time, and so we will make any changes that we need to as we review it day-by-day.
With regard to our other activities here is some information for you:
- The Community Meal will go ahead today, however it will be served outside and in disposable containers with diners encouraged to disperse quickly.
- The Carboot Sale will go ahead, however we will be spacing in every second carpark and making other changes as necessary.
- Some Small groups are meeting and others are not. Please contact the leader or facilitator of a group to find out.
- We are setting up a care network. We hope to have everyone being looked out for by someone by the end of next week. If we miss you please let us know.
- Youth have had a number of events cancelled, but are still meeting on Wednesdays. Please contact Mel for info.
This is a challenging time for us all, and we want to encourage you to keep safe and take care of one another. It is times like this that we get to test our faith and make sure that we are truly leaning on God for all that we need. The Apostle John reminds us in 1 John 4:18a, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear”, and the prophet Isaiah records God declaring to his people in Isaiah 41:10 “Do not be afraid—I am with you! I am your God—let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.”
Grace and Peace,
Rāwiri & Darcy
What's happening at HBC around COVID-19? Update - March 19
Hi Henderson Baptist Church family,
Darcy and I wanted to touch base today with a quick email to inform you that the Elders and Ministry leaders will meet tonight to discuss, and make decisions, around our response to COVID-19. Tomorrow we will give you an update on what is decided. We are confident that whatever is decided, we will be able to continue to worship our Lord, to encourage each other in faith, and to help one another and others through this time.
Remember Jesus' words in Mark 12:30-31 where he says, "Love the Lord your God .... and love your neighbour as yourself" - let's look after ourselves and others and be gracious and kind. Paul reminds us too in 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind". Let's lean on the Lord together.
Grace and peace,
Rawiri & Darcy
Hi Henderson Baptist Church family,
Darcy and I wanted to touch base today with a quick email to inform you that the Elders and Ministry leaders will meet tonight to discuss, and make decisions, around our response to COVID-19. Tomorrow we will give you an update on what is decided. We are confident that whatever is decided, we will be able to continue to worship our Lord, to encourage each other in faith, and to help one another and others through this time.
Remember Jesus' words in Mark 12:30-31 where he says, "Love the Lord your God .... and love your neighbour as yourself" - let's look after ourselves and others and be gracious and kind. Paul reminds us too in 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind". Let's lean on the Lord together.
Grace and peace,
Rawiri & Darcy
Look out for others and be quick to ask for help. - Charles Hewitt, National Baptist Leader