- The park is available from 6.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday for the term of the contact. Any variation to the time-frame required should put in writing to the Administrator.
- Any termination or amendments to the contract, before the stated expiry date, should be requested in writing to the Administrator no less than 30 days prior to the change.
- Overdue accounts may incur an administration fee of $50 once they have exceeded $40. Further overdue amounts may result in the cancellation of your lease and removal of your vehicle from the car park at your expense.
- HBC will take reasonable care but does not guarantee the security of your vehicle.
- HBC will remove from the allotted space any vehicle which is illegally parked in a leased space, at the owner’s expense (refer to signs at entry of HBC).
- HBC accepts no liability for any claim by you or any other persons, whether for loss or damage:
- to you or any other person.
- to your vehicle or any other vehicle – whether resulting from the use of car park or from negligence.
- You will be liable for any damage to the surface or surrounding landscape caused by your vehicle or substances from your vehicle.
- If the vehicle is left or abandoned outside the contracted agreement, HBC will remove the vehicle at the owner’s expense.
- At all times the owner should display good driving skills as prescribed in the New Zealand Road code.
- No other agreement will be entered into without the written consent from the HBC Management. Ie. No sub-leasing.
- The church reserves the right to temporarily revoke this agreement in order to provide parking for certain events (such as large funeral at the church). Should the church require the use of the car park for such an event, you will be notified as early as possible in order that you can make alternative arrangements.